Changes in chemical composition and antioxidant activity of royal jelly produced at different floral periods during migratory beekeeping

Ma, Chuan, et al. “Changes in chemical composition and antioxidant activity of royal jelly produced at different floral periods during migratory beekeeping.” Food Research International 155 (2022): 111091.


Over 90% of global royal jelly (RJ), a functional food with various health benefits, is produced in China mainly by migratory beekeeping of a high RJ-producing honeybee (RJB) strain. To explore quality changes of RJ produced by migratory RJBs at different floral periods, we performed metabolomics and proteomics analysis and assessed RJ antioxidant activity. Overall, the RJ metabolic and proteomic profiles were observed to vary with floral periods. Minor sugars (raffinose, erlose, and sucrose) and major RJ protein 5 (MRJP5) were identified among the discriminating components mainly contributing to the altered profiles. Water, crude protein, and the trans-10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10-HDA) content fulfill the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization regardless of floral periods. Notably, the 10-HDA content increased 11.05%–19.65% during tea blooming. Moreover, changes in antioxidants resulted in significant difference in RJ antioxidant activity. The integrated omics data provide a detailed view of chemical composition for RJ quality evaluation.