De novo peptide sequencing by deep learning using DeepNovo-DIA in PEAKS (Feb. 6, 2019)

Wednesday, February 6th’s free public webinar will focus on a recent publication in Nature Methods:

Tran, N.H., et al. Deep learning enables de novo peptide sequencing from data-independent-acquisition mass spectrometry. Nature Methods. 16(1), 63-66. 20/12/2018.

Abstract: We present DeepNovo-DIA, a de novo peptide-sequencing method for data-independent acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry data. We use neural networks to capture precursor and fragment ions across m/z, retention-time, and intensity dimensions. They are then further integrated with peptide sequence patterns to address the problem of highly multiplexed spectra. DIA coupled with de novo sequencing allowed us to identify novel peptides in human antibodies and antigens.

Register (10am EST/1600h CET) or Register (4pm EST/1pm PST)

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