From January 15–19, 2024, we will be in Winterberg, Germany for the EuBIC-MS Winter School organised each second year by the European Bioinformatics Community for Mass Spectrometry (EuBIC-MS), an initiative of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA) for user-oriented bioinformatics for mass spectrometry-based omics. We look forward to be back at EuBIC-MS Winter and insightful meeting of like minded researchers.
PEAKS Workshop
Title: Deep learning enabled software solutions for discovery proteomics, immunopeptidomics, and glycoproteomics
Date: Thursday, January 18
Time: 13:30 – 15:30 (CET)
Learn about the latest developments by Bioinformatics Solutions Inc. and how PEAKS can take your LC-MS/MS data analysis to new heights. PEAKS is a comprehensive proteomics software solution that supports data-dependent and data-independent acquisition analyses (DDA and DIA, respectively), and ion mobility mass spectrometry (IMS-MS). As a vendor-neutral computing platform, PEAKS is capable of directly loading raw mass spectrometry data and standard data formats. PEAKS now has streamlined workflows to identify and quantify peptides and proteins for DDA or DIA data. DDA workflows include de novo sequencing, PEAKS DB (database search) identification, PEAKS PTM (post translational modification) analysis, SPIDER search for mutations or variants, PEAKS Glycan for glycoproteomics, and PEAKS DeepNovo Peptidome for analysis of peptidomic datasets. DIA workflows integrate spectral library search, with direct database searching and de novo sequencing. Furthermore, the PEAKS QC tool allows the user to efficiently assess data quality, reproducibility, and troubleshoot potential problems with respect to sample preparation, instrumentation, and data analysis. All of these workflows take advantage of deep learning technology to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of protein/peptide identification. Taken together, PEAKS provides an innovative software solution for proteomics that’s driven by advanced deep learning-enabled algorithms and accommodates the latest mass spectrometry technology.