P​EAKS AB 2.0 Release

​​Bioinformatics Solutions Inc. (BSI) releases PEAKS AB 2.0.​ ​The comprehensive software ​is ​used​ by leading biopharma companies and research facilities​ for characterizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directly from mass spectrometry data.

The latest features ​added ​to the software include:

  • Upgraded de novo sequencing and assembly algorithm
  • ​Capability of analyzing EThcD data​
  • Enhanced 3-tier Ile/Leu discrimination
  • Greater customization capabilities​
  • Intact mass deconvolution analysis​


The software provides antibody researchers with an automated data analysis solution, saving time and enhancing accuracy. Visit PEAKS AB Software to learn more about this tool​ and PEAKS AB 2.0 to learn more about its newest features​.

Users are welcome to schedule a free consultation with ​BSI experts in order to learn more about​ ​​both ​​the antibody sequencing​ software​ and service.